NBC Will Release The Entire Season Of ‘Aquarius’ Online The Day After It Premieres

NBC is beginning the press tour for their summer shows, and included in that line-up is the new series Aquarius, starring David Duchovny. On Wednesday evening, the Peacock hosted a nifty press event in Hollywood’s fancy Chateau Marmont to promote the show. While getting stuffed on complimentary appetizers and booze, the word spread that they will be attempting something no other broadcast network has done as of yet.

As stated in the official NBC press release, after Aquarius airs its premiere on May 28th, the entire 13-episode season will be made available online for viewers to binge-watch:

“With Aquarius we have the opportunity to push some new boundaries to give our audience something no broadcast network has done before,” NBC Entertainment Chairman Bob Greenblatt said. “We are fully aware how audiences want to consume multiple episodes of new television series faster and at their own discretion, and we’re excited to offer our viewers this same experience since all 13 episodes of this unique show have been produced and are ready to be seen.”

One NBC executive referenced this as an “experiment” in passing, which led me to give that woman a hearty high five before she went on her merry way. Here’s hoping other broadcast networks will soon follow suit as the television business model is continuing to evolve in this direction (Thanks a lot, Netflix).

Aquarius stars David Duchovny and follows the LAPD as they begin tracking a young hippie cult leader by the name of Charles Manson. This work of  “historical fiction” takes place in 1967, two years before the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders. All 13 episodes of Aquarius will be available for a four week period on NBC.com and VOD services.

(Via NBC Universal)