Amy Poehler Has Seth Meyers’ Credit Card And She’s Not Giving It Back

If there are two things in this world that I love unequivocally, they would be (1) People being rascals, and (2) Amy Poehler (if there are three things in this world that I love unequivocally, they would be those two things and this video, but let’s try to stay on topic here), so this story is right up my alley, and parked in front of my house, and knocking on my door, and holding a pizza. The short version is as follows: Apparently Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers accidentally swapped credit cards at dinner last week, and Amy Poehler has been having quite a bit of fun with the situation, which Meyers has been documenting on his show all week long.

The lesson here is that identity theft seems incredibly fun and we should all start doing it a lot.*

*Disclaimer: UPROXX does not condone identity theft. Even the hilarious kind.

Source: Vulture