Andy Samberg’s 10 Greatest ‘SNL’ Moments

Season 39 of SNL will end as it began: with a former-cast member returning to host. In September, it was Tina Fey; this Saturday, it’s Golden Globe winner Andy Samberg (with St. Vincent). I’m a lot more excited to see Samberg now than I would have been at the beginning of the season, partially because of his performance as Jake Peralta on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but mostly because his hair is SO much better.

To celebrate the occasion, I’ve rounded up some of Samberg’s finest moments on SNL, which basically means a whole bunch of Digital Shorts (will we get one this Saturday, or will Kyle Mooney try to murder the Lonely Island in their sleep beforehand?) and a sketches.

1. “Lazy Sunday”

The beginning of the Digital Short Revolution.

2. “Jack Sparrow”

Michael Bolton kissing a seagull while dressed as Jack Sparrow is everything I didn’t know I wanted.

3. “Ras Trent”

Ras Trent is every white-boy reggae fan who only owns Bob Marley’s Legend.

4. “The Creep”

The second best song Nicki Minaj’s name has been attached to, behind only “Monster.”

5. “Get In the Cage”

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Props to Samberg for never breaking character, even as Seth Meyers is losing his sh*t.

6. “I’m on a Boat”

Yeah, it inspired an entire generation of d-bags to scream “I’M ON A BOAT,” but worth it.

7. “Shy Ronnie”


8. “Taco Town”

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Samberg’s not the star, tacos are, but he is the one who says, “Pizza?” Now that’s what I call a taco!”

9. “Dick In a Box”

“Motherlover” and “3-Way (The Golden Rule)” might be better, but “Dick in a Box” came first.

10. “Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals”

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Say hello to your Golden Globe for me.