Portia de Rossi Shared A Delightful New Fünke-Centric ‘Arrested Development’ Clip On Fallon

Portia de Rossi and her new internet-approved hairstyle dropped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night to discuss around-the-corner NYC banana stands and — of course — the imminent Arrested Development on Netflix release. *plays “Final Countdown” on kazoo*

While it’s unclear whether Portia proceeded to photobomb the banana stand line post-interview, she did share a 100% natural good-time Fünke family clip from the new season and further confirmed that the S4 episodes can be watched in any order with each episode being enhanced by knowledge of other episodes. This in turn strengthens my theory that S4 playlists will become a thing in 2013 and that Netflix/Mitch Hurwitz are brilliant.

The clip itself (1:25 mark) also confirms the return of the cavalierly collared realtor James “I Don’t Sell” Carr(s) (as portrayed by Ed Helms) and that the Fünkes have still got it.

We’re under 12 days and counting, folks. Me every single morning:

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon