Celebrate National Chick-Phil-A Day With A Side Of Extra Large 'Duck Dynasty' Homophobia

I blame Big Daddy Drew. The most successful stooge who’s ever gone through the UPROXX system (meaning, he’s the only one not currently living in a rusted van, meaning, we’re all living in the same rusted van) just HAD to start writing for Kissing Suzy Kolber, and just HAD to start writing well enough that people took notice, and just HAD to begin blogging for Gawker and Deadspin, and just HAD to start freelancing for GQ, and just HAD to accept an assignment to talk with the Duck Dynasty clan down in Louisiana for the most gentlemen-y of quarterlies. Dick.

If none of that had happened, and Big Daddy had stayed Drew Magary, copywriter, this wouldn’t exist:

Please note the asterisk below the camouflaged duck, which is a great sentence: “Not affiliated with Chick-Fil-A.”

After making the connection in his head, [founder Eric] Odom came up with ”National Chick-Phil-A Day.” When asked if the date, January 21, carried any special significance, Odom said it was just about “giving people time to plan to be there and to get the word out.” Will National Chick-Phil-A Day be as well attended as the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day from August of 2012? Time will tell. Both seem to appeal to the same kind of consumer, so it is possible that the national chicken restaurant chain could see a considerable spike in business on Tuesday, January 21 — even if the company isn’t officially supporting it. (Via)

Sigh. Can’t we be mad about something that matters, like the STONES on the guy who said McDonald’s boring fries > Chick-fil-A waffle fries? Now that’s cause for riots and protests.

(Via Chick Phil A National Support Day’s Facebook)