The ‘Dexter’ Musical Will Cover All Eight Seasons Of The Show

The Dexter spinoff/not spinoff remains in limbo, but the Bay Harbor Butcher lives on, and not only in posts about the worst series finales of all-time. FringeNYC is an offbeat theater festival that begins tomorrow (you know that guy you went to college with who does slam poetry now? He’s probably involved), and one of this year’s most discussed performances is Dex! A Killer Musical, an unofficial parody of the Showtime series that began as an off-Broadway workshop.

I imagine it’s “The Lumberjack Song” from Monty Python for 90 minutes. Here’s the plot summary:

Michael, the star of the network’s most popular TV show, receives the script to its series finale. In upset, he madly leads the network’s executives through seasons (eight, in fact) of madcap serial killing and singing! All the while exploring what it means to love, die, and to say goodbye. And of course bleed with laughter! (Via 54Below)

There will be multiple performances throughout FringeNYC, and you can donate to their Indiegogo here. But first check to see if Harrison gets his own musical number.

What rhymes with treadmill…?

Consider this your annual reminder that MCH was in Cabaret as the Master of Ceremonies.

(Via Dexter the Musical)