Eddie Vedder & Jimmy Fallon Sing ‘Balls In Your Mouth’

Last summer, in the wake of the BP oil spill (LOL remember that youse guys?!), Jimmy Fallon debuted his protest song about tar balls floating ashore, titled “Balls in Your Mouth.” The recent hurricane/flooding issues up and down the East Coast gave him the opportunity to dust it off and play it again last night, this time accompanied by Pearl Jam lead singer Eddie Vedder.

Production note: In case you ever wondered what it’s like to fill-in here, I’ll give you a little insight. I had like 4-5 open tabs of TV newsy biz stories that I was trying to choose between for a post (what would draw the most interest, what I could provide the funniest and/or most original take on, etc.) Then I saw a headline that said “Eddie Vedder Sings ‘Balls in Your Mouth,'” and I giggled for like 30-40 seconds, closed all those other dumb tabs and posted it. The end.