There’s Another Exciting Battle In The Works During ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 7

Last week, we told you about the first of hopefully many battles during Game of Thrones season seven. Without giving too much away (that’s what the link is for, he says like Don Draper throwing money at Peggy), it involves hundreds of bald extras and horses, and will take approximately a month to film, the same length of time as the Battle of the Bastards. Well, the Little Birds are putting in overtime: the wonderfully named El Periódico Extremadura reports, via Watchers on the Wall, that a second major combat is in the works.

They are now reporting that there will be three days of filming at Trujillo Castle, not one as we had previously heard. The outlet confirms that there will be one hundred extras present for filming at the location. The purpose of Trujillo Castle is not known, but it’s hard to imagine the place being a part of anywhere but Essos. (Via)

Trujillo Castle is located in Trujillo, Spain, naturally, and it was built in the 13th century “on the site of an old Arab fortress from the 9th or 10th century.” I’m sure the Spaniards who constructed the castle would be thrilled to know their hard work will appear on an Emmy-winning HBO drama. Anyway, hopefully Trujillo isn’t a stand-in for Essos, as Watchers on the Wall theorizes — there’s no reason to go back there, except to check in on Daario. That would be a waste of time in an abbreviated season. It’s just as likely that the castle will be used as Dorne, and we can finally finish that plot for good.

It’s not just the actors who are disappointed by all things Dorne.

(Via El Periódico Extremadura and Watchers on the Wall)