Girl I Must Warn You…

Thanks to the presence of the Roots, Jimmy Fallon consistently gets the best musical guests on late-night television. Coupled with Fallon’s pop culture sensibility, we get awesome events like a Bel Biv Devoe reunion. Yes, that’s right: BBD reunited on last night’s “Late Night” to play their 1990 hit “Poison” (video below). Now you know.

Unfortunately, the years have not been kind to BBD’s voices, but they performed the original dance moves, plus a bonus web-only performance of “Do Me,” so I can’t complain. Smack it up, flip it, rub it down, OH NOOOOO!!!! (I had no idea what those lyrics meant in 1990.)

Needs more Aqua Socks, am I right? Watch the original videos on the next page.