Hillary Clinton Talked Big Banks And Old Pictures On ‘The Late Show’

After seeing how some of the other presidential candidates were treated during their appearances on The Late Show, Hillary Clinton felt it was safe to sit down with this newer entity of Stephen Colbert. While much of the appearance was spent with the Democratic frontrunner speaking in platitudes about making the country better and avoiding all the fun questions (New York or Chicago pizza? Would you rather go against Trump or Carson?), there was a bit of policy brought up. Clinton claimed that if there were a financial crisis like in 2008 that the banks wouldn’t be getting any handouts this time:

What I did, which is really looking at the problems that we have, and trying to preempt the problems of the future is to recognize that, you know, we don’t just have big banks in our economy that pull a lot of strings and make a lot of decisions. […] We have to look at the whole financial system, and my plan does that.”

Under Dodd-Frank, [letting the banks fail] is what will happen […] they have to know, and their shareholders have to know that, yes, they will fail. If they’re too big to fail, under my plan, and others that have been proposed, they may have to be broken up.”

Granted, there’s certainly some skepticism given what happened in 2008. Still, this attitude is certainly a change of pace from before, when bailing out the banking industry was deemed a necessity by many politicians.

Not one to end on too serious a note, Colbert also brought up some suggested Halloween costumes from Clinton staffers. This meant a look through some old black and white photos and some meme-ready pics. Despite the many selections, Colbert offered up a much simpler suggestion for anyone with 11 hours to kill.

(Via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert)