Hot in Texas: Pole Dancing for Jesus

Below is a local news report from ABC’s Houston affiliate that investigates a Christian-themed pole-dancing class in Old Town Spring, Texas. It’s just like a regular pole-dancing class, except students dance to Christian music instead of Def Leppard or Pussycat Dolls.

“God gives us these bodies and they are suppose to be our temples and we are suppose to take care of them and that’s what we are doing,” instructor Crystal Dean said… “I do feel a spiritual connection whenever you have the music on and it’s singing about lifting you up and being closer to God. You do feel that,” she said.

There are those who just can’t get past the stigma. “In Gods eyes, it wouldn’t be attractive,” said nineteen-year-old Eric Purgason. Purgason’s family runs Lord and Nature, a Christian gift shop neighboring the Christian pole dancers. [ABC Local]

The Christian gift shop is next to the Christian pole dancers, across the street from the Christian organic food market, and caddie corner from the Christian taxidermy shop. It’s the heart of the Christian district.

Personally, I like to pretend that Golgotha was the first strip club. “Gentlemen, put your hands together! Please welcome to the center cross… JESUS OF NAZARETH!” And then Jesus comes out in his little loincloth to Nine Inch Nails. ….I’m going to hell, aren’t I?