Jimmy Kimmel Gives Election 2016 The ‘Animal House’ Treatment To Peek Into The Future

Everybody is putting their own spin on the end of Election 2016 and Jimmy Kimmel manages to not take sides on his way to make people laugh in the face of the new administration. Donald Trump might’ve won the presidency, but Kimmel has a different look into the future for the rest of the notable faces from the 2015-2016 campaign — all in the style of National Lampoon’s Animal House. It finds a few of the folks in their worst spots from the past, particularly Ted Cruz and Chris Christie, but also creates a grim future for their professional prospects.

Christie working the toll booth might not actually happen, but it would be fitting for the guy to get stuffed into a booth after having to support Donald Trump like a divorced father just trying to see his kids. Also Rudy Giuliani getting a chance to play Uncle Leo from Seinfeld on Broadway might be the best job he ever could get — that includes mayor of NYC and Attorney General. He’s got the mannerisms, he’s likely got the eyebrows for it, and I think he’s probably got some of the wardrobe in his closet already.

It’s just a nice diversion from the reality of it all — if you need it. The Isley Brothers keeps it upbeat at all times, we get a chance to relive some of the funnier moments of the election like Ben Carson losing his luggage, and Scott Baio is there. Baio is likely happier than Donald Trump right now because he’s going to end up getting more work now, especially if Kimmel has anything to do with it.

I don’t want to see another Sharknado movie, though.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)