Jon Bernthal Finally Talks About Punisher By Not Talking About Punisher

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Ever since Jon Bernthal’s casting as Frank Castle/The Punisher in Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix was announced, the Internet has expressed nothing but pure joy. The first Netflix series from the streaming service’s lucrative TV deal with Marvel was already a resounding success, but now that we know what the second season will entail, things can only get better.

But this is Marvel we’re talking about, which means that nobody’s talking — especially Bernthal.

Yet the Walking Dead and Fury actor briefly broke his silence while discussing his charity work with ABC News:

“Oh man, it’s just a huge honor to play the part and that’s all I can say about that. I’m very thrilled and we haven’t started yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it.”

Sure, everyone’s been using shots of the man from his phenomenal performance as TWD‘s Shane Walsh to imagine what his Punisher might look like, but charity work? Yes, charity work.

Specifically, Bernthal works for The Majority Project, a group dedicated to promoting pit bulls and putting an end to the breed’s negative portrayal. THAT MEANS FRANK CASTLE LOVES PUPPIES.

(Via ABC News)