Jon Snow’s Huge Decision And Surprising Outcome In The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale Stunned Everyone


Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers will be found below.

Game of Thrones viewers were struck with conflict after learning the series’ ultimate winner (although the Iron Throne was melted by angry Drogon) and were rendered awestruck by one shot of Daenerys. Many discussions will come about the finale, but one of the bigger shocks of the evening arrived with Jon Snow’s surprising (even to him) move and his ultimate fate.

To briefly recap, Jon felt himself conflicted by Dany’s actions when she torched King’s Landing, and in the process, she killed thousands of innocent adults and children. He still loved her and didn’t immediately stand against the Mad Queen like Tyrion did, but the former Queen’s Hand talked some sense into Jon. Tyrion articulated the undeniable truth about Dany, and in turn, Jon accepted that the only way to save Westeros from further war and loss of life was to kill Daenerys, which he did after he professed that she would always be his queen. Indeed, he stabbed her in the heart while they kissed.

This wasn’t even close to the end of stunners for Jon Snow, but it was one of multiple moments involving Jon that sparked conflict on social media.

Also surprising? How Drogon, who was filled with grief and anger over his dead mother, didn’t set Jon aflame (perhaps because he’s a Targaryen and possibly Unburnt?) but turned to destroy the Iron Throne instead.

Aaand that wasn’t all for Jon Snow. After Bran became king, the man who went from being a Stark bastard to the rightful heir of the throne ended up being sent back to the Night’s Watch. Bummer.

At least Jon reunited with Ghost at the end. And Tormund was there, so yeah, it’s time for a very chilly buddy comedy/Thrones spinoff.