Marvel Has Trademarked A Very Special Character For A TV Or Film Appearance In The Near Future

I think if we can have a talking Raccoon, a giant tree man, and a guy who hangs out with ants coming to the big screen for Marvel, it’s time we start to look towards some of the odder corners of their history for some fresh characters. That’s where Squirrel Girl comes in, the latest name to be thrown around via trademark by Marvel for future use in their massive movie initiative.

If you aren’t familiar with this fan favorite, you might want to head over to Wikipedia for a refresher. Most know that she’s a member of the Great Lakes Avengers and quite the formidable opponent, but there’s more to explore there. From Bleeding Cool:

Created by Spider-Man co-creator, Steve Ditko, she has becme a fan favourite of later after being championed by Dan Slott – and then kidnapped by Brian Bendis as an ex-lover of Wolverine, and superpowered babysitter for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.

Word is she’ll be popping up in one of Marvel’s television properties, either with Jessica Jones on Netflix or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. according to who you believe. I’d like to believe it’s all a bad dream and forget it ever happened.

This is the character that took my favorite villain, Doctor Doom, and made him a laughing stock. On top of that, she’s defeated Deadpool, Wolverine and even Thanos. The latter is possibly trouble for the future Avengers movies if that’s what is in store. Could this be that other mystery female lead in Age of Ultron? Is this what we have to look forward to?

All the excitement I had from Comic-Con just died. I’m going to go drink and watch The Leftovers on repeat.

(Via Bleeding Cool / The AV Club)