What If Movie Studios Quoted The ‘How Did This Get Made?’ Podcast On Their Movie Posters?

Maybe my favorite podcast after This American Life (which is regularly as good or better as almost anything on television) is the How Did This Get Made? podcast, something I actually didn’t come into until a couple of months ago because of my love for The League, although I’ve spent a lot of time since then going back through the last two years of archives. It features Paul Scheer (The League, NTSF:SD:SUV:), his wife June Diane Raphael (who, in addition to starring in NTSF:SD:SUV:, is the writing partner of Happy Endings’s Casey Wilson) and Jason Mantzoukas, who plays Rafi from The League. Each week, they usually bring in a special guest, and they basically spend an hour crapping on the worst movies of all time, from From Justin to Kelly to Over the Top to Gymkata. It is goddamn hilarious, and at times, fascinating, too (a few weeks ago, they brought in ESPN’s fantasy football analyst Matthew Berry to discuss Crocodile Dundee 3, for which Berry wrote the screenplay, and who called its star, Paul Hogan, “a terrible person”).

How Did This Get Made? is brilliant on a couple of levels: It’s the podcast equivalent of Mystery Science Theater, except you can listen to it on your commute. However, you also weirdly end up learning a lot fun facts about the movies, about the technical aspects of the films, the industry as a whole, and you get to hear Jason Mantzoukas riff for an hour. He’s basically just like Rafi minus the psychosis, which is to say: F**king hysterical. What really makes the podcast gel, however, is Raphael, who, more often than not, has a guilty affection for the horrible, terrible movies they cover.

I can’t encourage you enough to check it out. You can start with the most recent episode, in which The League’s Jon Lajole (Taco) joins them to discuss The Glimmer Man, and them make your way through the archives (the recent episode on Gymkata is classic).

In the meantime, if you want a small taste for what you can expect from the podcast, I’ve taken the liberty of blurbing a few choice quotes from several of the podcasts onto movie posters, the way it should be. I think all of the quotes, actually, are from Mantzoukas, so they’re even better if you can imagine him saying them.