Hillary Clinton Winking On ‘Broad City’ And More Of The Best Politician Cameos On TV

As you may have heard, White House hopeful Hillary Clinton is going to pop up on Broad City Wednesday night and make Ilana and Abbi lose their sh*t in spectacular (and ultra-viewable) fashion. Also, winking is involved. WINKING, DAMMIT! Of course, a political player showing up on TV for something other than cable news or pro wrestling is nothing new. It’s been a decades-old television tradition with presidents, would-be presidents, and other high-profile figures showing up to either poke fun at themselves or simply get their faces out to the public.

From Richard Nixon’s elementary school play delivery of “sock it… to me?” on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In to Al Gore sending up his environmental obsessive persona on 30 Rock, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to cherry-picking moments where politics and TV collide. Heck, Parks and Recreation has happily featured both Democrat and Republican cameos intersecting with the world of good ol’ Leslie Knope. Not every drop-by is created equal, but they have a tendency to stick out more than say Chris Kattan making a guest appearance.

With Clinton’s Broad City appearance looming, we here at Uproxx have crafted a snappy crash course on some of the most notable political cameos in television history. Is there one we missed that you think deserves some extra shine? Has one of these appearances ever changed your opinion on a candidate or a show? Sound off in the comments and keep your Murphy Brown fan-fiction excerpts tasteful.