Rupert Murdoch On Thursday Night’s Debate: ‘Donald Has To Learn This Is Public Life’

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The Donald Trump fallout from Thursday night’s GOP debate continues. After the Republican candidate continued his spat with Fox’s Megyn Kelly on the interwebs, News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch came to the correspondent’s defense:

Once the GOP debate concluded, Trump continued trolling the journalist on Twitter with a barrage of insults which began with the following two tweets:

In his continued attack on the journalist, Trump went on CNN where, in an interview with Don Lemon, he called Kelly a “lightweight” and “overrated” before lobbing a menstruation themed insult her way by saying, “She gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her — wherever.”

Yes, Donald…

Keep talking….

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)