Samantha Bee Tells Her Own Network To Delete Its Account Over A Video Comparing Hillary Clinton To A Hyena

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The late-night talk-show renaissance is in full swing with Samantha Bee being one of the recent standouts. Thanks to the current election season and the plethora of controversies, late-night talk-show hosts are gathering enough material to last well beyond the November election. Even Jon Stewart’s comeback arrived amid a score of hosts with their own blend of creative and scathing political satire. And the commentary is not just being reserved for politicians.

Bee’s own network of TBS sent out a questionable tweet during the closing moments of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, and Bee was quick to push back. As Bernie Sanders gave a stirring speech calling for delegates and #BernieBros to come together, TBS shot out a tweet comparing Hillary Clinton’s laugh to that of hyena:

The controversial tweet, which was deleted shortly after, read “Move over Donkey! There’s a new mascot in town … #ImWithHyena.” It’s accompanied by a video of a laughing Clinton, spliced together with laughing hyenas. Why a major network like TBS would stoop to this level is unknown, but don’t rule out the possibility of someone forgetting to switch their Twitter accounts. Bee tweeted out an epic mic drop on her own network while taking a page from Clinton’s book:

Bee has been a stand out in the late night atmosphere, thank in part to her biting commentary on a number of issues like, politics, racism and sexism.