The Best of Perd Hapley Has the Cadence of a Joke, So I Am Laughing

“Park & Recreation’s” Perd Hapley is one of my favorite minor characters on television. The Pawnee talk show host rarely appears for more than a minute or two in any episode, and when he does he’s used mainly as a conduit for other characters to say something that advances the plot — Leslie talking about her campaign or a scandal in the Parks Department, her adversaries taking shots at her, Ben talking about … uh … birds — or as a way to highlight the utter insanity of the town’s residents. But even in that small amount of screen time, he always manages to deliver. Plus, he loves t-shirt cannons, and I am down with anyone who loves t-shirt cannons. I hope he and Jean-Ralphio get a spin-off where they host a “Regis & Kelly”-style morning show. I would sit in front of the television watching that until I starved.

One important note about the video: It does contain some footage from last night’s terrific season finale, so if you haven’t watched the episode yet, proceed with caution. For those of you who have seen it, I really recommend checking out showrunner Mike Schur’s wrap-up interview with Alan Sepinwall. It’s a fascinating read, and it gives you some great background info on the hows and whys of the show’s fourth season. Ya’ heard?

via HitFix