‘The Not Ready For Primetime SNL Podcast’: Kumail Nanjiani

Yes, yes, this is a few days late. About ten, if you’re keeping track. Look, I did not choose to get the flu that left me without a voice. By the way, not having a voice is very frustrating. If I played professional sports and my coach was like, “Suck it up, Ryan. Get out there and play!,” I think I may have tried it because Michael Jordan did that once and he was lauded as a hero. The idea of being a hero is appealing. But when you don’t have a voice, you don’t have a voice. I couldn’t even attempt to “suck it up.”

Anyway, that was all really lousy, but Ryan McGee and myself (with my voice mostly back) have recorded our belated podcast where we break down the Kumail Nanjiani-hosted episode and talk about this season so far in general and what seems to be missing so far.

If you’d like to subscribe in iTunes (we’d be really happy if you did), you can do that right here. And we always appreciate nice reviews. (Also, some of the mean reviews make us laugh, if we are being truthful. But “nice” is preferred.)

And if you want to just listen now, here’s where you can do that:

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