‘The Office’ Creator Is Looking To ‘The Mandalorian’ As Inspiration For A Potential Reboot

We live in a society where The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air has been turned into a gritty drama, How I Met Your Mother is now How I Met Your Father (“So, Poochie…?”), and Kelsey Grammer still thinks his Frasier reboot is a good idea even without David Hyde Pierce’s involvement, so it’s inevitable that The Office will come back in some form.

NBC is “standing by” for whenever inspiration strikes co-creator Greg Daniels, but he warned Collider about the dangers of trying to replicate the success of The Officeagain. “[The Office] was such a wonderful and rare experience that obviously you don’t want to just go back to it and kind of possibly disappoint people when right now, they couldn’t be happier about it,” he said. But let’s say, hypothetically, he were to make a reboot. What would it look like? Something like The Mandalorian, apparently:

“I can’t tell whether fans would want more of it, and when I say more of it, I don’t think it would be the same characters. I think it would just be sort of like an extension of the universe, you know what I mean, like the way [The] Mandalorian is like an extension of Star Wars. But I don’t know if that would be something people would want or not, it’s hard to tell.”

The Office tried to do a backdoor pilot for a spin-off series with season nine’s “The Farm,” but it was not a success. You know why? Not enough Baby Yoda. Get that green rugrat on a cross-country road trip with Erin as she looks for a new receptionist gig, and folks, you’ve got yourself a successful reboot of The Office.

(Via Collider)