TV Chefs Be Fightin’

A little while back, TV chef and host of “No Reservations” Anthony Bourdain really went after some Food Network hosts in TV Guide. Specifically, he said Paula Deen was “the worst, most dangerous person to America” because of how unhealthy her food is, Rachael Ray “doesn’t even cook anymore” and “to her credit, she never said she was good at it”, and, of Guy Fieri, “I look at [him] and I just think, ‘Jesus, I’m glad that’s not me.’” Well now Paula Deen is firing back:

“My good friends Rachael, Guy and Sandra are the most generous charitable folks I know. They give so much of their time and money to help the food-deprived, sick children and abandoned animals. I have no idea what Anthony has done to contribute besides being irritable.”

Deen continued, “You know, not everybody can afford to pay $58 for prime rib or $650 for a bottle of wine. My friends and I cook for regular families who worry about feeding their kids and paying the bills . . . It wasn’t that long ago that I was struggling to feed my family, too.”

Good lord, I’m so conflicted. On one hand, I usually like Bourdain, and no one — NO ONE — takes more shots at Guy Fieri than me. On the other hand, his comments here seemed to cross from outspoken critic to douchey bully snob. Is Guy Fieri a tool? Sure. Could eating Paula Deen’s recipes give you a coronary? Of course. Do you need to be a smug, condescending prick about it in a national publication like your name is King Reginald von Foodnstuff? No. No you do not.

Also, as you probably figured out, I only did a post on this because it allowed me to make that banner pic. I could have a child who’s a doctor, Olympian and astronaut, and I wouldn’t be as proud of him as I am of that dumb MS Paint.