‘Walking Dead’ Moments That Make The Perfect Valentine For Your Special Someone

Ah, Valentine’s Day. A time for love and laughter and togetherness. Also a time for The Walking Dead‘s mid-season return! It’s been two and a half long months since the show’s last episode aired, leaving us on a cliffhanger of epic proportions. Now this Sunday we’ll finally get to witness the sh*t hitting the fan at the Alexandria Safe Zone.

But many people may be torn between watching the return of The Walking Dead and treating their significant other to a romantic evening. To those struggling to figure all that out we say: Why not both? And to help you merge your loves together, here are a few Walking Dead Valentines to show that special someone how you feel about them. Now, I know you’re thinking, “But didn’t Hallmark already provide this needed service with their Walking Dead e-cards?” Yes, and they are amazing (go download them). We just wanted to highlight a few (surprisingly) romantic moments from the series that pair nicely with some warm sentiments.

If you’re not shy about getting naughty and want to get close on Valentine’s, nothing says let me put my mouth on you like this note.

It’s nice to know that someone is there to reel you in if you try to do something stupid.

Nevermind headshots, lets talk about those moments that pierce the heart and really allow for your passion to come through.

Don’t let the world change you and stop you from telling people how you feel.

And you’d never name a zombie or kill your kid sister. #PerfectMatch

We all have those days where we’re a worthless curly haired f*ckface that ruins everything. Admitting that to your biggest champion takes guts.

For when you get your hooks into that special someone.

Push past the “stuff” and “things” that usually stop you from telling someone how you feel.

Love really does insulate us from seeing imperfections, does it not?

Anyway, these are the perfect way to say “Baby, this Sunday we’re gonna spend the night with a bottle of wine, some mood lighting, and a ravenous walker horde determined to devour the flesh of the living!”