Coldplay Responds To A Metal Band Trashing Their Table In The Most Coldplay Way Possible

As we’ve gotten to know Coldplay (and more specifically, their frontman Chris Martin) through the years, we’ve come to perceive the band as a bunch of guys who have tapped a certain level of chill that most humans have yet to attain. Even when they’re discussing how David Bowie once turned down a collaboration with them, they’re still decidedly chill.

But what would happen if, say, a metal band was performing at an awards ceremony where Coldplay was present, and the frontman of that metal band hopped on their table and proceeded to completely trash it? Would Chris Martin finally break? Would we finally see the guy who gave us “Clocks” and “Yellow,” go from 0 to 100 on this guy?

Well, no. Recently, at the 2016 NME Awards, Bring Me the Horizon was performing their song “Happy Song,” when lead singer Oli Sykes walked into the audience and stood on top of Coldplay’s table. As you’ll see in the video, Sykes starts kicking glasses and bottles around, causing the table to cave in, while members of Coldplay simply move to avoid the spillage.

However, the best part isn’t this band trashing Coldplay’s table, but Chris Martin’s response to it all. According to NME, Martin said that “it was great, very rock n roll.” Seriously, nothing phases this guy.

Although some people thought the table thrashing was because of a prior issue between the two bands (Sykes accused the band of ripping off their album art back in 2015), Sykes said that “it was in no way a protest against Coldplay.”

Check out the footage above.

(Via NME)