Elizabeth Warren Happily Bashes ‘Loser’ Donald Trump, Refuses To Endorse Clinton Or Sanders

Despite the clarion call of dissatisfied Democrats, neither Vice President Joe Biden nor Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) are running for president. Yet this hasn’t stopped the latter from using her prominent national platform to weigh in to the current election, especially whenever Republican front-runner Donald Trump is the subject of discussion. Warren did just that and more on Wednesday’s Late Show with Stephen Colbert, which also featured a cartoon caricature of the New York real estate mogul. Because why not?

Most of her seven-minute sit-down with Colbert revolved around her recent Twitter run-in with Trump, which resulted in the GOP candidate calling her “the Indian.” The talk show host called Warren out by suggesting that her repeatedly calling Trump a “loser” was simply “name calling” of the “schoolyard” variety — something Trump himself does all the time. Warren disagreed, as she reminded Colbert her criticisms were aimed at Trump’s boasts about his business credentials:

“This isn’t name calling. This is taking the credential that he claims he’s running on — and that is his business success — and saying, ‘No, buster, we’re not buying that.’ He is not a business success. He is a business loser.”

Yet the real meat of the interview came in the final minute, when Colbert asked Warren who she was going to endorse for the Democratic nomination — Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders? He even gave her the option to provide “a variety of non-answers.” The studio audience erupted into a volley of cheers for either candidate, and when Warren finally spoke up, she gave the predictable non-answer.

Colbert then rephrased the question in a manner seemingly inspired by Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon’s recent Twitter duel, asking if Clinton fans should vote for Sanders should he get the nomination and vice versa. Warren’s response? “Totally yes. Both ways.”

As for the cartoonish Trump whom Colbert interviewed, that segment featured precisely what it sounds like — a cartoon Donald Trump sitting in the Late Show guest chair. The two attempted discussing the real Trump’s performance at the CNN GOP Town Hall on Tuesday, during which the Republican presidential candidate defended his embattled campaign manager and was called a 5-year-old by mediator Anderson Cooper.