RiffTrax Finds That The Time Is Right To Make Fun Of ‘Game Of Thrones’

When you think Game of Thrones, you think MAXIMUM YUKS, right? Well, kinda. For a television program with a tendency to do heartbreaking things with characters you like, it helps that tons of comedy has been mined from it. (A daunting challenge for an HBO program about as funny as Arli$$.) It’s at this stage of the game that the beloved wisenheimers of RiffTrax are officially joining the fray.

Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy, and Mike Nelson (also of Mystery Science Theater 3000 glory) will be bringing quips galore to the bloodbath-friendly series kicking off with TV’s introduction to Game of Thrones in the form of “Winter Is Coming.” As the series progresses, it may require a safecracker’s touch to do goofz-n-spoofz over certain scenes, but the RiffTrax gang are seasoned pros at this sort of thing, so we’re in safe hands.

Here’s the sales pitch:

Long before winter was coming, winter was… well, still coming. We’re taking it all the way back to the first episode of Game of Thrones! To a simpler time before [spoiler alert] killed [spoiler alert] and [spoiler alert] betrayed [spoiler alert] and [spoiler alert] severed [spoiler alert]’s [spoiler alert]. A time of direwolves, imps, and gratuitous nudity that would be screen-capped throughout the realm.

The challenge begins: If we riff every episode before George RR finishes the next book, he has to buy us all our own Unsullied! Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the premiere episode of Game of Thrones!

The commentary track for “Winter Is Coming” is already available on the RiffTrax site (no searching AltaVista for you!), although it does warn that GOT “contains excessive violence, nudity, and boiled leather.” A teaser of what awaits in the riffs can be found nestled at the top of this post.

(via Daily Dot)