The Actress Who Plays Melisandre On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Had The Perfect Parting Gift For Shireen

It’s been over a year since Stannis Baratheon sacrificed his sweet little daughter Shireen by burning her at the stake at the advice of the Red Woman on Game of Thrones (and a lot of good that did him), but she remains unforgotten. On this week’s excellent finale, Melisandre finally received comeuppance for the heinous act, by being exiled from Winterfell by Jon Snow and Davos, who had originally called for her execution.

Carice van Houten, the actress who plays Melisandre on Game of Thrones, hasn’t forgotten about Shireen either, tweeting the above photo of an “awkward farewell present” on presumably 17-year-old actress Kerry Ingram’s last day on set. Duraflame Quickstart logs? No, Carice! Too soon!!

Doing some digging, it turns out the image was part of one of Reddit’s Photoshop Battles, and that the original gift — a set of three flameless candles — was much, much more appropriate.

Now the big question is whether or not we’ll ever see Melisandre again. Will she end up seeking revenge, or worse yet, teaming up with Cersei? It’s just a damn shame we had to say goodbye to Shireen so soon. With all the badass ladies in power right now, she probably would have fit in just fine.