Alec Baldwin Shares The Secrets To His Donald Trump Impression With Stephen Colbert

Alec Baldwin has now made 14 appearances as Donald Trump on SNL (that’s nine more than Phil Hartman’s Trump, but 13 less than Darrell Hammond’s), most recently in last Saturday’s episode when the president and Wes Anderson extra Jared Kushner helped send Steve Bannon back to Hell. By now, he has a strong handle on mimicking the head-of-state, and he shared some of his secrets on Tuesday’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

After Colbert praised the 30 Rock star for being the first person to “[crack] the nut” of impersonating Trump, Baldwin replied, “It’s totally a caricature. You just pick a few things. Like, I’m sitting in the room and I’m going, left eyebrow up, right eyebrow down, shove your face like you’re trying to suck the chrome off the fender of a car.” He also told Colbert that playing Trump has led to more feedback than any other role in his career (once again, Along Came Polly gets snubbed). “It’s kind of eerie,” he said. “More than anything I’ve ever done, people come up to me and say something to me on the streets.”

Not everyone is a fan, though. Baldwin’s three-year-old daughter, Carmen, with Hilaria Thomas is sick of people “always thanking me for the Trump thing.” It’s only a matter of time before she’s voicing her outrage on Twitter, just another thing Big Boy Trump has in common with children.