Father John Misty Won’t Stop Trolling ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans Over Their Weird Ed Sheeran Hate


Father John Misty is back on Twitter in 2017 and it’s a blessing. Well aware of the subset of people who like to poke fun at his folk music — which, by the way, is just plain some of the best music put out all year — he uses the platform to interact with fans and haters alike, sardonically chumming around with those who say they despise him, yet still hang on his every word.

This week he took on a particularly high-strung subgroup on Twitter, the Game Of Thrones watcher. You see, this week, those devoted to all things Westeros were upset that their beloved world had been invaded by none other than British pop star Ed Sheeran. Now, Ed was on the show primarily as a surprise to one of the actresses, Maisie Williams, who happens to love his music.

But, fans of the show were in uproar about it, and were so cruel that they caused Ed to permanently delete his Twitter, and the director of that Game Of Thrones, Jeremy Podeswa, even felt compelled to come to his defense. Listen, the backlash to Ed Sheeran, affable pop star,is completely undeserved.

Having witnessed this, one Josh Tillman aptly pointed out that the obsessions of Twitter and Game Of Thrones don’t really set anyone up to think they’re much better than fans of the pop music Ed Sheeran makes.


Touché, Tillman. If you check out the tweet up above, he further trolls the upset fans by photoshopping himself into a selfie with Ed and Maisie, mocking those who pushed Ed offline and proclaiming he’ll get Game Of Thrones canceled instead. Meanwhile, if you’re not familiar with Pure Comedy, check out our review here.