Conan O’Brien Proves To Be The Most Annoying Road Trip Partner Possible During His Trip To Italy

Conan’s next travel special in Italy airs on Wednesday night and the latest preview clip for the special proves that the host might actually be the worst person to bring on a road trip. His producer Jordan Schlansky is definitely a weird fellow, as we’ve seen in his many segments on Conan. But here, he’s actually the normal person it seems and he’s forced to contend with a gremlin that has taken the form of Conan O’Brien. He’s there to control the radio, cause mischief with stereotypical music, and then go crazy with some sound effects from the show’s effects department.

This segment not only proves that Conan might be annoying on a road trip, but it also proves the power of the fart joke to make anybody laugh. Even Schlansky can’t help laughing when the farts start rolling from Conan’s mobile speaker — though he did freakishly laugh out of the blue during their planning segment a few episodes back.

Something that Conan is definitely right about is the size of the car. As a tall person, you know that Conan is feeling it in the Fiat at six-foot-four. It might actually explain his desire to be as annoying as possible on the trip. If you have to ride around Italy with your alien-like producer who likes to pretend he’s Italian, all while your knees are in your chest because of the car, you might want to amuse yourself a bit.

It is better than murder.

(Via Conan)