Piers Morgan Finally Jumped Off The Kanye Support Wagon, But People Can’t Resist Dragging His Week-Old Butt-Kissing Session

Piers Morgan once thanked his haters, but he’s also something of a hater. Yet he’s a lover, too. When he admires someone and/or wants to interview him, his Twitter profile lights up with gushing and butt kissing and open requests for interviews. In late November, Piers set his sights on scoring another Kanye West interview despite, you know, all of those anti-Semitic remarks causing Kanye’s sticker price to plummet. Here’s Piers trying to ka-ching on the controversy:

Fast forward to this week, and even Alex Jones appeared to want to sink into the floor (so he disguised himself as a lizard or something) when Kanye went off the rails while arguing that Hitler had some really positive points, so chill out, man. Not great!

As a result, not even Elon Musk will put up with what Ye is selling. The House GOP likewise deleted it’s infamous supportive tweet, “Kanye. Elon. Trump.” What next? Oh, Piers is (maybe) done with Kanye too and attempting to take the high road.

“I had a lengthy text exchange with Kanye ‘Ye’ West the other day which indicated he’s now revelling in causing maximum offence,” Piers tweeted after the pro-Hitler rant heard ’round the world. “He wasn’t just racist, and anti-Semitic, but horribly homophobic too – and his latest pro-Hitler rant is sadly more evidence he’s lost the plot.”

Very quickly, a Twitter user responded, “Interesting how Piers was begging Kanye for an interview just last week and now he’s suddenly trying to throw him under the bus…” And the vibe continued:


Hey, at least Piers got to interview Cristiano Ronaldo (one of his heroes), but it *is* awfully odd that everyone is apparently texting Piers Morgan these days. Well, other than Meghan Markle:
