‘Wonder Woman’ Director Says Movie Still Needs An Actual Greenlight

If your boss came to you and said “I’ve got a major project I want you to do. I have no idea what it is. It’s due Friday,” I wouldn’t blame you if you set the building on fire. Unfortunately that sounds a lot like what Warner Brothers is trying to do to Wonder Woman director Michelle MacLaren. The film has a June 23, 2017 release date on the studio’s production slate, except, it hasn’t, y’know, gone in to production.

In an interview with Vulture, MacLaren dodged questions about the film:

…she warns that at the moment there is no script, no release date. There’s not even an official green light from the film’s releasing studio, Warner Bros. — and even if there were, nondisclosure agreements and her paranoia about jinxing things would keep her mum. “I really, ­really, really can’t talk about this,” she says, then gestures toward the restaurant’s picture windows, with their action-film-worthy Hollywood panoramas. “I just picture a drone coming in over the hills and crashing through the glass and flying over here and putting duct tape over my mouth, you know?”

Ha ha, Michelle, that’s not how drones work.

According to an earlier rumor, the studio is working on six different Wonder Woman scripts at the same time, in order to keep their options open. (Which of course sounds nothing like manatees with idea balls at all, so relax, everyone.) Apparently at least one of those scripts is going to be written by actor and sometimes writer Jason Fuchs, whose most recent project is that version of Peter Pan where they cast Rooney Mara to play Tiger Lily.

Everything sounds great and in no way a rush to put out a superheroine movie before Marvel and I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Via Blastr