Kevin Morby Shared ‘Sundowner (4-Track Demo)’ From His ‘A Night At The Little Los Angeles’ Demo Collection

Last month Kevin Morby announced a follow-up/companion release to his excellent 2020 record, Sundowner. The collection of demos, dubbed A Night At The Little Los Angeles, and it was named for the back shed of Morby’s Kansas home. Early sessions recorded on a 4-track in 2017 and 2018 were what eventually made up Sundowner, and by sharing the bare bones versions he hoped to let fans hear exactly what he was going for on the finished album.

“My goal was to capture the essence of these initial recordings, and here you will now have access to the very essence I was chasing,” he explained. “Many of my favorite recordings have been made inside of an artist’s home with little to no regard of the outside world, but instead deep in their own that they are building in real time. And with that — I’d like to invite you into my own little world here and now and ask you to please step inside and spend A Night At The Little Los Angeles.”

Today, Morby shared the 4-track version of the title track, “Sundowner (4-Track Demo),” noting that close listeners will definitely locate differences between this demo and the final version. “In this demo of ‘Sundowner’ you’ll notice a few differences from the album version,” he said. “Wait for it!” Listen to the very end for one glaring difference, but check in above for other changes. The full demo album will be out in early October, and he also previously released the 4-Track Demo version of “Campfire.” Check out his “Sundowner” version above and pre-order the entire demo album here.