Ryan Gosling Has Revealed Which Iconic Souvenir That He Kept From The Set Of ‘Drive’

If you are an actor painstakingly working on a specific shoot for months at a time, taking a souvenir from the set seems like a rite of passage. Zac Efron still has his High School Musical jersey and Hayden Christensen even took some of his Padawan hair extensions, so nothing is off limits here. But there is a difference between taking a small memento and cruising off set with a 1973 Chevy Malibu.

Ryan Gosling, who starred in the cult classic Drive in his pre-Ken days, claims that he has never stolen anything from a set, but he does have a particularly rare piece of memorabilia.

While promoting The Fall Guy, Gosling and co-star Emily Blunt were asked by DC Film Girl if they had ever stolen anything from a set. Blunt admitted that she has one of the umbrellas from her time as Mary Poppins, but was quick to add that “It’s pretty special. That’s one of my most treasured ‘stolen’ [item]. No, it was given. The props department did give it…you looked a little accusatory,” Blunt said, referring to Gosling. She seemed to be projecting a tiny bit of guilt.

Gosling then revealed his big set souvenir. “I didn’t steal anything! I have my car from Drive,” he admitted, referring to the car that he fixed up himself during the production of the 2011 film. “You do? That’s so cool!” Blunt added. Those umbrellas are looking a little lackluster right about now.

The Fall Guy hits theaters this Friday, April 26th.