Stephen A. Smith Released A Video Saying He Loves Animals, Things Of That Nature

Via Stephen A Smith

Stephen A. Smith narrowly avoided disaster on Tuesday morning, and by that, I mean he was hundreds of miles away from his office at ESPN HQ when a turkey vulture flew through the window in lovely Bristol, Conn. It was a brief moment of levity in the midst of all the bad that is happening all the time in 2019, because “a turkey vulture crashed into Stephen A. Smith’s office” is, objectively, funny.

Anyway, it took a while, but workers were able to get the turkey vulture out of his office. Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon and we finally got a response from Stephen A. regarding the incident. Speaking from behind the desk where he does his radio show, Smith commented on what went down.

Behold, 86 seconds of a man discussing a bird flying into his office and explaining that it was because the bird missed his presence in Bristol.

“Clearly it was looking for me, but contrary to what some of you out there might believe, it wasn’t coming to do me harm, it wasn’t coming at me because it was disgusted with some of my takes,” Smith hypothesized. “It came to my office because it missed me.”

Smith went onto break down the bird’s motives a little more, saying “You know why it came to my office? Cuz it missed me, because it knows Stevie A. don’t just love the kids, he loves animals, too, he loves all types of stuff, too. Any of God’s creatures, Stevie A. loves. That’s what happened.”

If you are the bird that crashed into Stephen A. Smith’s office, feel free to tweet at Uproxx Sports to confirm or deny if his assumption is correct.