‘Late Night With Seth Meyers’ Hilariously Spoofs Awards Movies With ‘Oscar Bait’

Oscar season is almost over, mostly because you can’t have “Oscar season” after the Oscars are actually held. (Don’t worry, the next cycle of Oscar punditry starts a month from now). Which means this week is the perfect time to spoof all the over the top performances, Oscar-bait scripts, and overwrought cinematography that goes into each movie nominated for an award. Don’t get us wrong, these qualities are also what usually make Academy Award winning films great in the end, but that doesn’t make them any less thirsty for that gold statuette.

Seth Meyers took the initiative to remind everyone just how cheesy and faux-life changing Oscar movies can come off as to normal people, even if movie lovers and Oscar voters still laud them at every turn. In the clip from Tuesday night’s show, Meyers sends up this year’s nominees hilariously.

From “see a film that’s not afraid to pander to your emotions” to making Seth a character who likes to stare at trains, every joke is spot on but still respects the movies it is poking fun at. It even makes clear how many “Oscar winner” boxes the fake move checks off, like “racial tension” and “latent homosexuality.” With a pull quote from The LA Times as good as “The most blatant attempt to win an Oscar since The King’s Speech,” this one has to be a winner!