Sophie Turner Blamed Emilia Clarke For The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Starbucks Incident

There was a lot to unpack in last Sunday’s Game of Thrones. Some of it was controversial. Some of it was silly. On one hand, the episode killed off the only female character of color and took a, shall we say, questionable stance on sexual assault. On the other, someone forgot to remove a Starbucks cup from a shot in this decidedly non-modern television program.

The offending paper cup — caught by eagle-eyed viewers but not the massive crew, fellow actors nor its editors and other HBO brass — has since been digitally scrubbed from all copies of the episode on HBO’s app. But the question remains: Whodunnit? On Friday’s The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Sophie Turner had an idea.

“I mean look who it’s placed in front of. Emilia Clarke. She’s the culprit,” the now-former Sansa Stark told the audience. Turner’s aware of all the speculation that’s been a-brewin’ online, with people trying to figure out who put the Starbucks product in the shot then forgot to remove it before the cameras rolled. She knows, for instance, that some people suspect her, citing a photo of her on set holding a coffee cup.

“Let’s clear this up. That’s in a different episode,” Turner said about said picture.

And besides, Clarke is a more likely suspect anyway, given that the cup was in front of her all along. Of course, there’s always the possibility that Turner’s craftily directing attention away from her. Which means this mystery is far from resolved.

(Via Deadline)