This Deep-Fried Old Fashioned Should Be Wisconsin’s New State Food

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to be alive when a great food and a great drink come together in one fantastic heart-clogging, county fair treat. This is one of those times. The good people over at Trinity Three Irish Pub in Milwaukee (or, The Good Land) have been toiling behind their bar and in their kitchen concocting an edible Old Fashioned cocktail. They perfected their recipe and debuted it at Milwaukee’s Summerfest last Sunday.

Their Old Fashioned is based upon Wisconsin’s unofficial state drink, the Brandy Old-Fashioned. That’s a fruit-muddled-in-the-sugar variation that any decent bar should know how to make. What Trinity was able to do was infuse those flavors into a pound cake: “The Deep Fried Old Fashioned is in fact a dessert — an orange pound cake filled with a brandy cream cheese filling. Then it’s deep fried, of course, and covered with a brandy orange caramel drizzle and — wait for it — bitters whipped cream. Then comes an orange slice and a cherry as garnish.”

That sounds dizzyingly delectable. What an age to be alive!

If you’re not in Wisconsin for their Summerfest, fear not, Trinity is planning on bringing the dessert back for the Wisconsin State Fair next month. Surely, as these trends go, you’ll be seeing this recipe make its rounds at a county fair near you sooner or later.

(Via The Cap Times)