‘Walking Dead A Film’ Is Way More Fun Than Watching The Oscars

This Sunday, either The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Room, or Spotlight (it’s probably going to be The Revenant) will become the 88th movie to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. It’s not a bad lineup — although some (Fury Road) are much better than others (Bridge of Spies) — but none of those films can compete with the subtle genius of Look at the Flowers in the Attic, or 10 Things I Ate About You.

In honor of the Oscars, The Walking Dead‘s official Twitter account tweeted, “We decided to create #TWD versions of the nominees!” Enid-hating fans of the zombie series quickly joined in, and came up with much tastier puns than “Ricky Martian.” That barely makes sense. Harry Rotter and the Goblet of Medulla Oblongata? Now that’s word play worthy of Mad magazine! (As for an actual Walking Dead movie, Andrew Lincoln has said “that would be amazing” and “it’s something we’ve been talking about,” but there are no official plans.)

Here’s some of the best that Walking Dead Twitter has to offer.





I already like Caral more than I did Carol.