Ranking The Five Apps To Help You With Spring Cleaning


Spring is here! And that means we have to — however begrudgingly — drag ourselves and the people we live with out of our collective winter torpor and start cleaning up, lest people see what we’re like during the week.With that in mind, we’ve ranked the five apps that will help you get the dust out.

5) Your Favorite Music App

The reality is, it’s easier to get cleaning done if you’ve got music or a podcast. In fact, science has proved it makes mindless tasks a lot easier. So, plug in the headphones, fire up the speaker, or otherwise start listening.

4) Home Routines


One of the toughest aspects of cleaning is just getting in the habit. Home Routines is designed to ease you into habitually cleaning by establishing a cleaning rhythm, especially useful if you live alone, or are stuck doing all the housework as if you live alone.

3) Habitica


If you want to make finishing tasks a little more fun, Habitica is a cute little time management app that lets you “level up” as you get things done. If you need a little motivation, this will inspire you to clean the floor.

2) Chorma

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of making sure the chore chart is with everybody. Chorma is designed to create little collaborative spaces where you can coordinate tasks with others. It’s perfect for a roommate situation, shared office spaces, and anywhere else you need to help each other keep track of little tasks.

1) Tody

Coordinating chores among the people you live with can be a pain, especially if nobody updates the chore chart. Tody is designed not just to divvy up cleaning chores, but also to measure their needed frequency and help you prioritize what should get scrubbed and what can be ignored… at least for a little while.

Which apps do you use to get the cleaning done? Let us know in the comments!