Viola Davis On ‘Suicide Squad’: Jared Leto Did ‘Some Bad, Bad Things’

Vanity Fair‘s Women in Hollywood initiative recently spoke to Viola Davis, and it’s a great interview that gets into her Emmy win, her view of her success, the changing racial dynamics of Hollywood. Oh, also, she talks about that time Jared Leto dumped a dead pig in front of her and the whole cast of the movie.

Leto’s method acting antics during the shoot are borderline legendary at this point, as everybody has a story about something weird Leto did, or more typically something weird he had delivered to them. Apparently, at a table read, Leto paid a “henchman”(supposedly Jim Parrack) to walk in with a dead pig across their shoulders, dump it on the table, and leave. Davis claims that she found it inspirational and that it forced her to up her game as an actress, although we won’t be surprised if that dead pig was promptly relocated to either a spit or a dumpster. Also oddly omitted is the fact that the pig was filled with bullets.

Davis also fills in a few details on the saga of Margot Robbie’s rat. Davis claimed Robbie was terrified of the rat at first, but kept it anyway, until it wound up with Guillermo del Toro. That said, if they make a new Batman movie, we suspect Leto won’t be quite so committed to the method. After all, for Affleck to stay in character all the time, he’d have to be punching the Joker every time he saw him.

(via Vanity Fair)

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