Barring any delays from the coronavirus, which is a very real possibility, Sony and Marvel are still ramping up to shoot the third Spider-Man movie starring Tom Holland in July for a Summer 2021 release. As with any MCU production, details around the film are shrouded in secrecy, but Kevin Smith claims to have heard a juicy detail that should excite fans of the now-defunct Marvel Netflix universe. The Jay and Silent Bob Reboot director shared the news on his Fatman Beyond podcast (via CBR):
“I heard another piece of good f*ckin’ news,” he said. “Did you hear that Spider-Man, the new Spider-Man movie, gonna have a lawyer in it? Charlie Cox, they’re bringing in as Matt Murdock. That’s been the rumor online and they say that’s like the one that like Marvel’s like god damn it how did that get out?”
If Smith’s claims are accurate, and Charlie Cox is reprising his role as Daredevil, this news could have huge implications for the MCU going forward. When Netflix shockingly pulled the plug on its Marvel series despite Marvel’s Daredevil being the fourth most popular show on the streaming network, there was a cloud of confusion around whether the characters would be rebooted or resurrected after a two year waiting period. However, at the time, Cox told Entertainment Weekly that he’d gladly play Matt Murdock again even though the chances looked pretty grim.
“Oh my God, yeah,” he replies when asked whether he’d be up for returning to the role if given the chance. “I don’t know how this would happen, but maybe one day we could pick up the baton and do it again.”
As the two year waiting period comes to a close over the next few month, fans of the Netflix characters will undoubtedly go nuts if they start learning that their favorites could reemerge in the MCU and with their original actors. Granted, Smith could easily be repeating idle gossip, but if he’s on the money, there are a bunch of Marvel fans who are going to feel a lot less bitter after the great Netflix purge.
(Via Fatman Beyond, CBR)