Mackenzie Davis Pokes Holes In Those Rumors She’s Playing Domino In ‘Deadpool 2’

Not many people are watching Mackenzie Davis light up the screen on the low-rated but much-loved Halt and Catch Fire on AMC, but the actress is slowly but surely making a name for herself as a versatile and strong performer in all of her projects. She’s popped up in movies like That Awkward Moment and sci-fi success The Martian, and is set to appear in new episodes of Black Mirror and the Blade Runner sequel. Now, the latest rumors about her ever-evolving career are revolving around a possible role in another exciting sequel: the follow up to 2016’s smash hit Deadpool.

As the latest potential actress rumored to play Domino, Davis would make a great fit as the mercenary and sometimes member of the X-Men crew. However – in a recent interview with GQ – she picks apart the speculation about her supposed next job. When asked about the possibility of her joining the project, Davis says

“No! [laughs] It’s very interesting. People keep sending me printouts being like, “This is so cool!” And I’m like, “Right? I also think it’s cool! But it’s not true!”
I mean. I’d love to keep the ruse going. It’s sort of cool that people think I’m doing Deadpool. But no! I don’t have any news to share. I wish I did!”

If the role hasn’t been offered to her yet, as it looks like is the case, the Deadpool team should really get on that. She’s a rising star and a boon to any project she joins.

(via GQ)