Meek Mill’s Awkward Weightlifting Form Gives Fans Fuel For Yet Another Roast Session

For someone who hates getting clowned on the internet so much, Meek Mill sure does give music fans a lot of ammunition. While fans probably should give him a break when it comes to his film analyses and sharing his recording contract misfortunes, he occasionally posts content that makes fans question his self-awareness. For instance, when he and Jay-Z teamed up to buy their business partner Robert Kraft a Bentley for his birthday, it only highlighted how out-of-touch he seems with fans who relate to his street-centric subject matter.

His latest front page faux pas is a workout video that demonstrates some pretty atrocious form and little understanding of gym equipment. He appears to be attempting an overhead press with one arm, but instead of using the appropriate dumbbell, which is designed for one-handed use, he’s pushing a barbell, which you should ONLY use with both hands. Naturally, as a result, the unbalanced long bar wobbles and shakes and Meek compensates by leaning back, putting himself at risk of serious injury.

Of course, once the video went viral, fans found plenty to mock about the awkward workout, with one remarking that “Meek Mill the first person I seen do every single thing wrong.” Another lamented the obvious ineffectiveness of Meek’s routine, predicting he was “gaining nothing from this but scoliosis.” Fortunately for Meek, he can probably avoid a repeat of the roast session by hiring a trainer — or keeping his gym-related social media activity to mirror selfies, like everybody else on the internet.