Norman Reedus Has The ‘Johnny Depp Zombie Head’ From ‘The Walking Dead’ Because Of Course He Does

The Walking Dead is known for having hardcore fans, but is there anyone more hardcore about it than Norman Reedus, who plays the crossbow wielding Daryl Dixon on the show? Norman has a love for zombies and the macabre that carries over into real life, and he may have the most unique collection of Walking Dead memorabilia in the world.

In the past, Reedus has admitted to having Hershel actor Scott Wilson’s ponytail in his fridge, alongside a ziplock bag full of Rick Grimes actor Andrew Lincon’s beard shavings. Now it looks like he snagged the so-called ‘Johnny Depp zombie head’ from season six, episode twelve’s Not Tomorrow Yet.

This past season was full of chills, thrills, and screams, but there was also some dark humor mixed in for good measure. When an offshoot of Negan’s Saviors demands the head of the Hilltop community’s leader, Rick Grimes and his gang go out into the zombie infested world to find an undead lookalike. After going through a pile of heads, they find one that’s just right … after Rick hammers the corpse’s nose into the proper shape with his fist.

“One of the other heads, I don’t know if I’m going to get in trouble if I say this, was Johnny Depp,” Walking Dead director Greg Nicotero recounts. “I think we had sculpted an emaciated version of a dummy head for something and we used Johnny Depp’s head as a basis just for a clay sculpt. I can’t remember who the third one is, but I’m in good company. Norman [Reedus] kept saying he wanted the heads when we were done shooting. I said we’ve got to wait until the picture is logged.”

It looks like Norman got his way and the head is now in his possession … along with who knows what other gross items scavenged from the prop department and trash cans of his fellow castmates.