‘South Park’ Fans Are Seriously Weirded Out By The Sight Of Skinny Cartman In The Next Special

Over the years, South Park has made us bear witness to many disturbing sights, including critter blood orgies, headless Britney Spears, and “cuttlefish and asparagus is not sitting well.” Creators/Casa Bonita financiers Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s latest tWiStEd creation? Skinny Eric Cartman.

South Park: The End of Obesity, the seventh South Park special on Paramount Plus, is about weight loss drugs like Ozempnic taking over the mountain town. But “when Cartman is denied access to the life-changing medicine, the kids jump into action,” the official description reads.

Cartman must not be denied for too long:

This technically isn’t the first time we’ve seen Cartman looking not-big boned, but the other instance involved him looking emaciated on a cross like Jesus, so, yeah, not sure how much that counts. I don’t know why it’s upsetting to see Cartman this way when he basically looks like Stan in Cartman’s clothing, but it is. I’m not the only one, either.

Below, you’ll find South Park fans reacting to skinny Cartman.

South Park: The End of Obesity premieres on Paramount Plus (the home of the other South Park specials, including The Streaming Wars) on May 24. You can watch the teaser below.