A Deep Dive On Our Three Favorite Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies, From Flavor To Effects

Let’s be real, CBD comes in waaaaay too many form factors. You’ve got your edibles, drinkables, tinctures, balms, bath bombs, oils, smokeables… really if there is a way to get CBD in our bodies, someone has thought of it, packaged it, and sold it to those seeking out the many purported medicinal benefits of CBD. If the various form factors weren’t enough, we also have different types of CBD, from isolates, which contain only CBD, to broad-spectrum CBD, to the current gold standard: full-spectrum CBD — which contains all of the cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis plant, including THC (but usually not enough to get you high), in order to produce what is called the “entourage effect.”

We could spend a whole article deep diving into what exactly the entourage effect is, but we won’t bog you down with that here. In simplest terms, it’s the idea that the various chemical compounds in cannabis work synergistically to create unique benefits that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to produce when isolated from one another. Basically, it’s just like why you’d want to take a b-vitamin complex supplement instead of a single specific b-vitamin, the compounds work better together.

Even limiting your search to full-spectrum CBD, there are a lot of products on the market. So rather than listing a grab bag of a bunch of our favorite products, we’ve decided to take a more curated and detailed approach. First up in our exploration of the best Full Spectrum CBD products currently on the market, we’re hitting gummies and we’re keeping it to a tight three and a specific use that we like each one for.

For Flavor — Leaf Remedys Mixed Flavor Gummies

Leaf Remedys

Average Retail Price $49.99

CBD: 50mg Full Spectrum CBD

Why We Love It

Full-spectrum products have a tendency to have a very medicinal and herbal flavor to them, which is often why you’ll find products made with CBD isolate topping “Best Tasting CBD Gummies” articles and message board threads, while full-spectrum products land in the middle. That’s not the case with Leaf Remedys’ sugar-coated gummies, which come in a mixed flavor pack of blue raspberry, strawberry, and lime and are made using full-spectrum oil made from organically grown Colorado hemp.

This stuff might look like a tamer, more mature take on Sour Patch candy, but the flavor is all sweet no sour and features a very slight — almost unnoticeable — dank after taste. The light touch on the weed flavor is surprising because each gummy packs a powerful dose of 50mg of CBD. That’s considerably higher than the other gummies on this list, how it’s still able to taste this much like straight-up candy is beyond us (shout out to sugar and citric acid!).

Each flavor is distinctively different, but they’re all equally good and earn their place in the jar, there is no need to be picky about which gummy you get. That strong dose of CBD is incredibly effective at melting away any lingering pains and aches you’re feeling, offering longer-lasting relief than much of the competition out there.

You’re going to want to keep eating them just for fun, but you will eventually end up stoned that way. Remember, full-spectrum isn’t a joke!

Bottom Line And Best Application

If you want all the benefits of a powerful full-spectrum CBD but hate that plant-y overly herbal taste, Leaf Remedys is for you.

For Feel — Cornbread Hemp Full Spectrum CBD Gummies

Corn Bread

Average Price: $39.99

CBD: 10mg Full Spectrum CBD per gummy

Why We Love It:

Kentucky-based hemp brand Cornbread’s new organic berry gummies are perfect for someone who wants all the stress and anxiety-relieving, anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD with absolutely none of the high, but still wants to feel something. Cornbread’s gummies are made using Kentucky grown hemp containing high levels of minor cannabinoids and feature just 0.3% THC, which is powerful enough to deliver that entourage effect that full-spectrum products promise, but not strong enough to get you high. And yet… our team couldn’t help but notice just how great a single gummy made us feel, without fail.

Instead of wondering if you’re actually getting the benefits of CBD or you just dropped $40 on a really expensive berry-flavored snack, you’ll actually feel like this product is doing something. It’s a bit hard to articulate but within about an hour, you’ll notice that little things that would normally drive you up a wall — like people walking too slow in the grocery store aisle — just won’t bother you the same way. Stress and anxiety just don’t factor in when you’re operating through the pleasing, slightly sedative buzz this stuff provides.

We want to reiterate: this won’t get you high (don’t worry), but you’ll feel all the good-natured euphoric vibes of being high, without any of the paranoia, slow reaction time, and weighed down feelings that come with being truly stoned. Body like jello but mind still able to operate — that’s a win.

While working my way through my jar of Cornbread’s CBD gummies I noticed an increased sense of well-being and relaxation — no matter how intense life’s normal stresses got — on days that I started off by chomping on a gummy. These berry-flavored gummies they taste so… sweet organic gummy-ish… that we almost considered giving them the “Best Flavor” designation, but a good flavor doesn’t really scratch the surface of what makes this particular CBD gummy so good.

We will say this though — these gummies are sweaty. That helps to make them appear more potent and medicinal for sure, but you’re going to get your fingers sticky. Don’t leave them in the car to melt, either. I feel like they could liquify quickly.

Bottom Line And Best Application

Tasty, and effective enough to feel off of a single gummy. We’re going to go ahead and suggest this one as an everyday CBD supplement to kick off your day. Take it alongside whatever other vitamins and supplements you’re crushing on the daily.

For Sleep — Charlotte’s Web CBD Gummies: Sleep

Charlottes web

Average Price $29.99 (30 Count)

CBD: 10mg Full-Spectrum CBD per gummy.

Why We Love It

While all of the brands on this list make for great sleeping aides, especially if stress and anxiety are keeping you up, none are more powerful than Charlotte’s Web Sleep CBD Gummies. That comes down to the inclusion of melatonin, which gives you an extra boost of feel-good sleepy feelings.

Each Charlotte’s Web gummy consists of 10mg of full-spectrum CBD as well as 3mg of melatonin. Without getting too science-y, CBD may influence sleep via the cannabinoid receptors CB-1 and CB-2 which promotes feelings of calmness and relaxation, whereas Melatonin influences sleep by regulating our circadian rhythms, which means you’ve got two chemical reactions working to help you get better sleep.

That makes CBD and Melatonin a great and effective pairing for sleep. Speaking personally, I found that the Sleep gummies resulted in a deeper night’s sleep that left me feeling well-rested and energized the next morning.

Full disclosure, Charlotte’s Web while being one of the oldest and most respected brands in the CBD community has run into some scrutiny in the past, receiving a warning letter in 2017 from the FDA for some unproven health claims on its products. But the brand has strong and legit roots in the CBD community, it was started by the Stanley Brothers who in 2012 developed a hemp strain high in CBD that made headlines after it eased the symptoms of a young girl named Charlotte Figi who suffered from a rare and debilitating form of epilepsy, which helped to not only inspire the name of the brand but kicked off an entire industry of CBD products, and helped to loosen hemp laws across the country.

Our only major gripe with the product? Of the three, Charlotte’s Web is easily the worst tasting. It’s not awful, but you’ll be happy once you’re doing chewing this raspberry-flavored gummy.

Bottom Line And Best Application

Maybe it’s the melatonin, maybe it’s the CBD, but we’re pretty sure it’s both working together. If you’re looking for a CBD gummy effective at knocking you out without getting you high, Charlotte’s Web Sleep is the gummy for you.

As a brand affiliate, Uproxx may receive a commission pursuant to certain items on this list.