Here’s A Picture Of An ‘Emotional Support Turkey’ Going Through Airport Security

There are emotional support dogs, and emotional support cats, and now, because this time we live in is incredible, we have emotional support turkeys.

As SFist reports, this groundbreaking discovery occurred at San Francisco International Airport last week, when someone snapped a picture of an “emotional support turkey” holding up security.

The photo first made the rounds on the internet via local broadcast reporter Frank Somerville’s Facebook page. He wrote that the woman who owns the turkey uses the animal for therapeutic purposes after her husband died. According to Somerville, she even sleeps with the pet, and often flies commercially with it.

If this isn’t the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard, Somerville is here to tell you to exercise some compassion. “It would be easy here to make fun of the woman,” he writes. “But I’ve seen enough things in my lifetime to realize that what may seem bizarre to me, is perfectly normal for someone else.” Who are we to judge how people cope with grief, anyway?

But he understands why you’d do a double take if you saw this yourself. “If you happened to be the passenger next to that turkey, you’d sure have a great story to tell all your friends.”

(via SFist and Frank Somerville KTVU)