Check Out These Photos Of Terrified People At The ‘Scariest Haunted House In The World’

What happens inside the Nightmares Fear Factory, stays inside Nightmares Fear Factory. Mostly.

The haunted house, in Niagara Falls, Canada, claims to be the scariest horror-attraction in the world. After watching their trailer video, we’re inclined to agree. Allegedly housed in an old coffin factory, whose dedicated owner Abraham Mortimer was allegedly killed after a stack of coffins toppled over on him and now allegedly haunts the building, Nightmares Fear Factory has been in business for over 30 years, making it the oldest continuous-running haunted house in North America.

It is, by all accounts, truly terrifying: guests who can’t handle the fright and say a safe word are escorted out and get their names added to the Chicken List. There are over 135,000 people on the list to-date — which is a pretty unique (but fitting) metric for success.

Amazingly, there are no live actors, no grotesque scenes, and no gore in the haunted house. “We just mess with your mind,” wrote Nightmares Fear Factory marketing director Vee Popat in an e-mail to Uproxx. “Thrill-seekers are advised to enter the pitch black factory and follow a trail of red lights until they exit. It’s so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face!”

The thing that Nightmares Fear Factory is most famous for though is their Flickr feed, where they share photos of visitors at their peak-terror moment. We don’t know what everyone’s screaming about, but the photos are downright hilarious. Check them out:

And just because these are so stinking fun, here are a few throwbacks from 2014: